Sunday, August 13, 2006

The wind that shakes the Delta

Another week, another moments of happiness for the movie freaks ...Go away, far away to the Danube Delta the Anonimul independent film festival begins on the 14th!

The third edition will be graciously opened by Ken Loach's The wind that shakes the barley that got the Palme d'or this year, at Cannes.

Alex Leo Serban says this year will be a non-star game...

I wonder what does he mean by that, considering the AWAITED GENERATION will be there...and I mean Cătălin Mitulescu ,Cornel Porumboiu , Radu Muntean , Florin Piersic jr, Cristian Nemescu , Cristian Mungiu and Constantin Popescu . Or maybe he meant stars not STARS...what's in a star, anyway?

try and get there, the festival lasts all week long...if u didn't make any reservations, grab a tent and prepare for 5 days of living in the moviesphere.

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