Friday, August 25, 2006

Martini, please!

I really need to go to NY...Central Park, the MoMa, even a Sex and the City locations tour( as my friend Cristina followed, using a book )
and night at the Algonquin, to meet HIM

According to the BBC
Hoy Wong, now 90, regarded as New York's oldest bartender can still be found behind the bar at the Algonquin Hotel

He was there for Judy Garland, Marilyn Monroe and so many others, and knew how to make their days/ evenings...

Marilyn enjoyed Beefeater martini, very dry so that's what I'd take...but wouldn't say no, still, to a lemon twist Martini lit with a match, as the Duke of Windsor got when asked for "House of Lords martini in and out on toast".

pictures found here and here

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