Tuesday, December 05, 2006


New reason for Monica to go to Stockholm, especially since the Sweddish parl agreed Romanians can travel to the cold country having only an ID in the pocket...

plans: go to Stock, dressed the way I used to when playing with my bro ABBA> white jeans, long T shirt and that band on my head...
first visit: the Museum...the ABBA museum...two guys decided the Supa'troopa needed a place
filled with ABBA’s music, original clothes, history, images, instruments and much more that captures the group’s heyday in the 70s and 80s.

They promise an interactive experience where visitors can participate with all their senses.
yeah! eheeeeeeeeende iiiiiiiii aka I have a dream, as I perceived with my 4yrs old mind, making grandma believe I speak English...


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